He Arrived Aug. 22, 2010 at 10:41pm

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My mother swore that the doctor would have to break my water while at the hospital, but I was on my way to work when it happened. I called in while looking at my store. It was a Sunday and luckily Justin was off for the main event!

On my way home, my dad called to tell me my brother was in the ER of his local hospital. I shared with him my water had broken and I had just called into work while looking at the building. I had to contact the hospital and gather everything I needed.

Justin woke up almost immediately. My chihuahua got loose from his tie out and ran to the neighbors across the street dragging his cable tie with him and barking outside their house like crazy. He sensed something major was happening and Mommy was starting to experience sharp pains before we even left the driveway....

My little miracle in the first few moments of his life. I have never been filled with so much joy and love in my life. I would miss the little fluttery fetal movements and the increasingly painful kicks, but I would rest easier being able to see, hold, comfort, and take care of this bundle of joy. And at NO time in the hospital did I plan for a second child. I thought labor would be easier for me than most but after 7 2/3 hours without an epidural, I was not handling it all so well. My mother, bless her heart, was trying to help, however, um...not effective, At all. I didn't need a coach. I needed to alert the entire hospital about my situation at the top of my lungs. Granted I have never been overly graceful and have made a career out of accidentally running into walls elbow or head first, but I wasn't prepared. How can anyone be? And I don't think they exaggerated about the pain. For Drew I would go through it all again and again, though.


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