Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Precious Moments Prayer Boy Doll In Pajamas

I was amazed when I learned from a co-worker that these dolls have been discontinued. They will no longer be publicly sold. The story she told described that atheists were complaining that they were "offended" that these dolls say a prayer. What kind of world did I bring my son into? What prevents them from ignoring anything they do not want to see? The dolls are clearly marked with the words "Prayer Doll", "Prayer Angel", etc. Precious Moments is a well-known Christian company. I had to go on E bay to buy him such a doll for Christmas because retailers had pulled them to be more politically correct. Atheists have the right not to believe, but what does that mean for those of us that do? I was not always a person of faith, and even now, I struggle at times. I am still a sinner. I am not always living the way Jesus would want. Yet, I always believed even though I was rebelling against church. I preferred having a choice. I do now. I found a church I love. I want my son to believe, but I fear that the world will do all it can to prevent that. I cannot believe that people can be so narrow minded as to think they are just with these decisions. These same people have insisted on enforcing the supplement of "Happy Holidays" for "Merry Christmas". This is the season for Christmas and without Christ, there would be no season to celebrate. I still say "Merry Christmas" and will teach my son about The Lord and I dare someone to try and prevent me from that! I am livid. Drew will be taught Bible stories and his Nana has already acquired a Bible storybook to get him started. I resent the world that the world has become. This country was founded by Christians. Even my Native American ancestors had their "Great Spirit". I thought that the soldiers that have fought and died for our freedoms died and sacrificed for a reason. Not so that the Christians would have to keep prayer behind closed doors. Hidden away in a closet like a secret. Merry Christmas all. If this offends you, I pray you will at least respect my freedom to believe the way I choose. 

Baptism, Thanksgiving and What I Am Thankful For

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I am fortunate to have been able to stay home with Drew after he was born for a full 6 weeks. My doctor talked me out of going on maternity leave too early because i would lose time with my boy. He was right. And I am strong enough that I could handle it.

The first "special" occasion that I can share was his baptism. Don't get me wrong, every day is special. Every hour, minute, second. And they are more than I will ever deserve, this precious life given to me. I wanted to share him with my church, dedicate him, vow to raise him to serve The Lord. I am not always able to take him to church because of work. Hopefully someday that won't pose a problem, though. Drew Aidan looked so handsome in his baptism outfit. Of course, God has a sense of humor, even in His own house. He spit up on his outfit after peeing through a diaper and a onesie. I have not been able to make myself buy off brand diapers, so this was a name brand diaper. I spent more time in the restroom cleaning up a dirty baby than enjoying all the family that was able to make it to the event.

It was special, nonetheless and moving. He is a young Presby now! :)

Thanksgiving was amazing, thanks to Justin and his uncanny ability to juggle everything that morning. I stayed at work until 11:00pm the day before Thanksgiving so I was little help with either the meal or the baby. He had just started sleeping through the night buying Justin a little more prep time. I did venture out to Meijer for the accidentally overlooked items lacking from our overstuffed pantry. Mainly little things like pumpkin pie and cornbread for corn casserole :-P...God love Justin he handled most everything. He even helped with Drew so I could clean up and take care of household needs. I am thankful for the family that was able to make it and for getting to see a long lost sister!

He Arrived Aug. 22, 2010 at 10:41pm

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My mother swore that the doctor would have to break my water while at the hospital, but I was on my way to work when it happened. I called in while looking at my store. It was a Sunday and luckily Justin was off for the main event!

On my way home, my dad called to tell me my brother was in the ER of his local hospital. I shared with him my water had broken and I had just called into work while looking at the building. I had to contact the hospital and gather everything I needed.

Justin woke up almost immediately. My chihuahua got loose from his tie out and ran to the neighbors across the street dragging his cable tie with him and barking outside their house like crazy. He sensed something major was happening and Mommy was starting to experience sharp pains before we even left the driveway....

My little miracle in the first few moments of his life. I have never been filled with so much joy and love in my life. I would miss the little fluttery fetal movements and the increasingly painful kicks, but I would rest easier being able to see, hold, comfort, and take care of this bundle of joy. And at NO time in the hospital did I plan for a second child. I thought labor would be easier for me than most but after 7 2/3 hours without an epidural, I was not handling it all so well. My mother, bless her heart, was trying to help, however, um...not effective, At all. I didn't need a coach. I needed to alert the entire hospital about my situation at the top of my lungs. Granted I have never been overly graceful and have made a career out of accidentally running into walls elbow or head first, but I wasn't prepared. How can anyone be? And I don't think they exaggerated about the pain. For Drew I would go through it all again and again, though.

Where To Start?

Being the person I am...I am indecisive to a fault. I could start with the moment I learned I was pregnant. At work. On break. In the restroom with a new pregnancy test. The test instructions lied. I didn't have to sweat for 3-5 minutes to find out the truth. It took less time to show a positive than it took to cap the test stick. My response was a shocked and shaken, "You gotta be shitting me". Aloud. In a public restroom. The day I swore that I'd never see had come! It took a month and a half to two months into the pregnancy and being ill so long with no symptoms that could be explained away...Drew Aidan Price, my gorgeous miracle baby was on his way!!! He definitely kept me on my toes throughout the rest of my pregnancy and has kept up that tradition since birth!